Rose bakery

A low glass iron door opens into a long and narrow room,
bare stone walls, mat tabletops,
all young foreigners in white aprons serves you,
polished earthenware plates,
veggies in wodden boxes,
the smell of freshness and organics.
A mix of all different people, most of them very chic,
it's quite hectic and you have to wait,
luckily there are soo many lovely organic food packs to feast your eyes on while waiting,
or get hypnotized by the open bakery
where all the girls bakes star shaped cookies or
green tea sponge cakes!

The food image is my brunch, unfortunately it deosen't say much and it dosen't do the menu justice, which is always so colourful and beautiful - Ill take a picture of one of the very graphic tartes next time.
But this brunch is despite it's simplicity - very very delicate and delicious.
Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, fresh toasted bread with orange jam and a cheese scone.
I also love that they don't look at you strangely when you order your latte with soya milk...

I got this tea there (one of many) but this one took my attention.
The Barbie tea over them all - AND IT'S ORGANIC (of cause)!
Rose, vanilla and chamomile all in the same blend... heavenly.
Rose Bakery (Marais)
30 Rue Debelleyme, Paris - 01 44 78 08 97


46 Rue des Martyrs, Paris - 01 42 82 12 80