Jobi / Portugese bistro

From the outside Jobi looks like a an overly crowded dirty Irish pub. This place is legendary, but you have to try it or hang outside with some choppies (draft beers) to see it. It's buzzing with life, the walls speak their own story with old posters, faded pictures of football player and musicians and tacky images of Rio. White shirted bow tie waiters (only men) hover effortlessly between thenvery close tables, the service is super quick and they luckily swing by often to refill you beer glass. The menu is a mix of different things, I spotted a few French dishes and the word pasta appeared a few times but we went directly for the unknown - the dried meat with bean paste, rice and veggies, a classic Portugese dish. Coming from a Scandinavian country with loads of dried something food, which often comes with a crispy, smelly, fishy sensation - this is however not that dry in that way. Imagine your mothers Christmas duck the next day, that's how is - stringy beef pieces and lightly salted. Absolutely delightful and highly recommended.