Arriving to Tokyo

My fellow travel buddy Astrid (who used to work in Tokyo) told me about this little arriving-to-Tokyo-and-take-the-bus-to-the-city tradition of hers, which is to buy one of these hot takeaway drinks from one of the airport shops and swallow it with a nigiri triangle rice ball (choose between tuna, salmon, mayo, sour marinated veggies), letting the airport bus shuttle you into Tokyo, while your watch the landscape sizzles outside and start to grasp the fact that you're in a new country. I absolutely love this tradition and will for the rest of my life redo this little event every time I arrive to Tokyo.

Getting to Tokyo is a really easy, safe and an affordable event. The blissful trip costs 3000 yen (about 25 eur.) it's a good 1,5 hour bus ride so taking the cab (ca. 20.000 yen) would be a bit of a rip off ... but of cause if you fancy riding in one of the cleanest cabs on the planet, in a same-day washed crisp white lace seat with a taxi driver white white gloves - you know where to go.
The busses are every 20 min. and you get the tickets in the arriving hall.